NTR Devara first single Day1 Stats
The combination of NTR and Anirudh in a song has created a tremendous response among movie lovers.
Telugu: 5.21M Views, 473.3k Likes
Hindi: 7.89M Views, 193.8k Likes
Tamil: 1.05M Views, 96k Likes
Kannada: 1.22M Views, 43.3K Likes
Malayalam: 709K Views, 25.6K Likes
Total: 16.07M Views, 832K Likes
Pan India films song 24 hours stats:
Pushpa2TheRule : 26.6M
Devara : 16M
Jaragandi : 5.5M
Pushpapushpa : 1.27M
FearSong : 829K
Jaragandi : 350K
The first song received a mixed response from the audience initially, but upon repeated listening, it was highly appreciated. Anirudh’s music once again proves to be exceptional.